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Grants & Contracts for May 2018

NATHANIEL APATOV, Nursing, Nurse Anesthesia Traineeship; US Department of Health & 人类服务部,30,717美元.00.

JORDAN BARNES, Misc ODU Units, Opioid Crisis-Naloxone Treatment Kits; Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, $18,341.00.

JEROME BRINKER, 企业创新中心, 商业化-第二阶段:开发产品设计, Build And Test (Prototype) - GPS Vehicle Tracker; LPR, Inc., $55,000.00.

CHRISTOPHER CARTER, VSGC, MARY SANDY, Gar-Field 21St Century Learning Center; Gar-Field High School, $20,000.00.

MICHELLE COVI,海洋,地球 & Atmospheric Sciences, Refining And Marketing The Raft (Resilience Adaptation And Feasibility Tool); University Of Virginia, $7,120.00.

MICHELLE COVI,海洋,地球 & Atmospheric Sciences, The Raft (Resilience Adaptation Feasibility Tool): Building Regional Capacity For Coastal Resilience; University Of Virginia, $19,000.00.

MICHELLE COVI,海洋,地球 & Atmospheric Sciences, JUITA (WEI) YUSUF, 弗吉尼亚海洋基金气候适应和恢复计划, 弗吉尼亚海洋科学研究所, $56,614.00.

HANI E. ELSAYED-ALI,电 & Computer Eng, On-Line Thin Film Thickness And Buried Interface Probing By Sub-Picosecond Ultrasonics Combined With Surface Roughness Detection By Laser Scattering; University of Virginia, $15,000.00.

LARRY FILER, 企业创新中心, CHERYLYNN SAGESTER, 最靠谱的网赌软件 Veterans Business Outreach Center; US Small Business Administration, $350,000.00.

HOLLY GAFF, Biological Sciences, Lymesim Development; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, $95,000.00.

帕特里克·海切尔,化学 & 生物化学,2:合成过程的研究 & Pathways Of Marine Oil Snow Formation; Texas A&M大学(所有校区),174,470美元.00.

INGO HEIDBRINK, History, 塑造人类经济的气候和环境因素, 社会文化活动, With The Ice Trade And Use Of Natural Ice For Cooling As A Case Study; Norwegian Maritime Museum, $75,000.00.

ALVIN HOLDER,Chemistry & Biochemistry, DESH RANJAN, MARC Undergraduate Student Training In Academic Research Program At 最靠谱的网赌软件; US Public Health Service (NIH), $133,923.00.

FANG HU, Mathematics & Statistics, TD-Fast (Time Domain Fast Acoustic Scattering Toolkit); National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $80,000.00.

WAYNE HYNES,Biological Sciences; ODU Tick Research Team Outreach 2018; National Capital Lyme Disease Association, $1,000.00.

SANDEEP KUMAR, Civil & Environmental Eng, Career: Nutrients And Energy-Rich Macromolecules Recovery From Microalgae Using Subcritical Water; National Science Foundation, $40,092.00.

李光丽,教学 & Learning, GEORGE FOWLER, The NEA Big Read Hampton Roads; National Endowment for the Arts - Arts Midwest, $15,000.00.

JIANG LI, Electrical & Computer Eng, A Novel Border Monitoring System Using Medium And High Resolution Commercial Satellite Images; Applied Research LLC, $200,000.00.

JAMELA MARTIN, Nursing, TINA HANEY, KAREN KARLOWICZ, PAMELA SHARP, BETH TREMBLAY, CDC/ACCN Health Learning Hub Grant; American Association of Colleges of Nursing, $10,000.00.

龚南空,电气 & Computer Eng, Development Of High-Stability Perovskite Optoelectronic Materials And Devices Using Polymer And Carbon Nanoparticles; University of Virginia, $15,000.00.

OLGA PAKHOMOVA, 生物电学中心, JOHN CATRAVAS, 基础与应用生物电学研讨会,; Olympus Corporation of the Americas, $2,500.00.

ANATOLY RADYUSHKIN, Physics, IAN BALITSKY, ROCCO SCHIAVILLA, JAY VAN ORDEN, Topics In Theoretical Nuclear Physics; US Department of Energy, $307,000.00

萨钦·谢蒂,Mod, Sim & Vis Eng, Supplemental Funding- National Critical Infrastructure Resilience Center of Excellence; University of Illinois (All Campuses), $11,625.00.

梅维娜·萨姆特,社会学 & Criminal Justice, Poverty Reduction Proposal Education And Youth Development; City of Portsmouth, $47,921.00.

TANCY VANDECAR-BURDIN, Social Science Research Center; Virginia Beach Community Health Assessment Survey Options; Virginia Beach Department of Public Health, $4,723.00.

张晓宇,机械 & Aerospace Eng, SANDEEP KUMAR, RET Supplement For ODU Electrochemical Clean Fuel REU Site; National Science Foundation, $20,000.00.

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