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University Relations Gradient

奖助金 & 合同 for February 2018

GEOFFREY KRAFFT, 物理, APS- Student Travel 支持 for 2018 国际 Particles Accelerator Conference; American Physical Society, $10,000.

哈尼族E. ELSAYED-ALI, electrical and computer 工程, Microscopy Analysis of Boron Nitride Nanotubes; BNNT, 有限责任公司, $5,646.

琼DELAYEN, 物理, HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, $192,500.

塞萨尔一. 平托, 工程 management and systems 工程, 2018 支持 of Cyber RESEARCH; FM 全球, $35,000.

YUNBYEONG崔, civil and environmental 工程, Development of Next-Generation Real-Time Hybrid Simulation Methodology; Myongji University, $27,728.

哈尼族E. ELSAYED-ALI, electrical and computer 工程, Testing of Compact Raman Spectrometer; NASA-Langley RESEARCH Center, $4,918.

弗朗西斯·F. BADAVI, mathematics and statistics, Implementation of a New Magnetic Field Definition into the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Radiation Environment Model; NASA-Langley RESEARCH Center, $1,248,091.

安东尼·W. 迪安, 工程, EAGER: Understanding the 影响 of Making on 退伍军人 in Pursuing STEM Degrees; National Science Foundation, $99,000.

GEOFFREY KRAFFT, 物理, TRIUMF Student Travel 支持 for 2018 国际 Particle Accelerator Conference; TRIUMF, $25,666.

江李, electrical and computer 工程, Using AlphaGo Algorithm for Multi-Scenario Power System Security Assessment Under Uncertainties; University of Tennessee, $16,000.

杰罗姆·C. BRINKER, ODU Business Gateway, Lean Principles Workshop; Urology of Virginia, $5,000.

OTILIA POPESCU, 工程 technology, STEM Outreach Curriculum and Engagement Kits for ODU BCET; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $6,300.

YIANNIS PAPELIS, Virginia 建模, Analysis, and Simulation Center, NAV Suite Cert M&S Tech 支持; WR Systems, Ltd., $242,694.

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